

Sit on the shady front verandah and watch the sunsets or stroll out your back gate for a pleasant bush walk and all situated very close to the primary and secondary schools.
Old style weatherboard cottage with an air conditioned and gas heated lounge, three double bedrooms all with overhead fans and a large bungalow just off the wide back verandah with its own toilet and hand basin. The spacious kitchen and meals area has gas cooking and the bathroom includes a full bath and separate shower.
There is power to the garage and workshop and the elevated block covers just over nine hundred and thirty square metres. The property is currently tenanted at $180 per week.
3 1 2
Address 59 Fisher Street, Stawell
Price SOLD for $115,000
Property Type Residential
Property ID 1141
Category House

Agent Details

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Matt Monaghan

0417 000 300
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